
Monday, April 7, 2014

Sadly I Have No Witty Title Ideas

My original duty for the Festival of the Arts that took place in our school last Wednesday, was to sell things elementary school students had made. When I arrived at my location of duty, I learned that there was help needed in the 'ebru' room. So I flew on my dragon to the dungeon at the bottom floor of the high school, where I was faced with formidable enemies: excited children.

Ebru, also called paper marbling, is an interesting way to paint paper. You have to drop paint onto a water-like medium in a tank, and produce designs by moving or dragging things along this medium.

I had done ebru before, but I was far too young to remember it. The art teacher present in the room, quickly told me the instructions of this unique artform. This was quite a challenge for me, as I still had no idea what I was doing, and I did not like communicating with children. Thankfully though, my friends and I managed to lead the kids through the process, and I even learned how to pull the paper off the tray properly. It was sort of like a magic show, where they put in the ingredient, and you cast the spell, creating a moment of suspense and then showing them all the beauty (or ugliness, depending on the colours they picked... oh oops maybe I shouldn't have said that) that they have created.
Soon enough we discovered how to make flower patterns and which colour combinations looked best, and I could say we had mastered it within an hour.

So I guess the point of this all is: although things seem unfamiliar and scary, if you stay open to new challenges and stand brave, you can do anything.

A design Ezgi and I created.  

Two of our 'ebru's, in the process of drying.