They are highlighted according to the colour of their dragon.
Edmund had a green sword, and Ellyn uses daggers when she can't use her magic, so I drew their weapons.
And this is Edmund when he's just putting on his armor, because if he had the whole thing on, then it would look more complete to my eye.
Mrrrrrrr, yes, Ellyn has white hair with blue tips. She's an elf AND a witch. She can do whatever she wants.
Many thanks to Ezgi for letting me use her pencils! I tried out a new style.
Now I'm off to find a name for Edmund's dragon.

BTW: I'm so exited for the Sherlock Homes premiere I'm going to tomorrow!! Also I'm drawing presents for people, and suddenly I'm a lot busier than I was before! Ughgghg. I ordered comics!! Eep DC New 52!
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