That's a comic I bought months ago. I was at Remzi Kitapevi skimming through comics when I saw "Reynolds" written on a page. Of course I freaked out and got all excited. It's not about Ryan Reynolds though, he only wrote an intro for it, the comic is about Hal Jordan and how he became the first Green Lantern of Earth. The quote, "No fear." is from an awesome page where he's holding up a flying plane and it's my favorite page in the comic.
Anyway, this blog entry is about how I detest habits and our current topics in English class. I'm being honest here. Why? Because I just came to the realization that we (humans) are all just going through the same routine without knowing it, we're all ordinary, we're all the same, and we don't choose anything. Even if we do, it becomes a routine too. So we're just like the cows in Kosmos—going through the same process for years, just to die some day.
And I'm not doing anything against it. I'm just doing what I always do, unconsciously growing. And one day I'll die, just like that, just another human, insignificant, trivial.
I don't want it to be that way, but I can't bother. Because if I did bother, it would be fighting life itself, or maybe just the society, and the habits of society.
People are not immortal, but their deeds can be.
Oh, look, found the picture.

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