
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Inspiration Motivation

Blogger changed. I hate the new look. Gmail changed too. I hate that too. I'm not a person who likes change. This new blogger is absolutely horrible. At least they should have given me the option of not switching. Anyway, Ezgi and I went to Starbucks yesterday. We had a 4 day holiday, we had to enjoy it. The still don't have Chai Tea Latte. Every time I go there, they never have it, so I have to get other drinks. That's not the point though. We walked, sat, and chatted for about 1 and a half hours. Before going back home, we made a deal. We were to write something—anything—and mail it to each other at the end of the day. If we didn't do this, we'd punish each other somehow. I got home very excited, and I sat in front of my computer. First, I sent Ezgi the first chapter of a story I had written earlier (it was about the son of two demigods, and I thought I did a good job with the 6 chapters I wrote...). Then I read those 6 chapters, and reading something I had written made me want to write more. So I opened my file titled "Kael's Story", read over it, and my hands flew. I lost track of time. I only stopped writing for things like toilet needs and dinner, but otherwise I was crouched over my computer. I had 1580 words when I started writing, I have 3264 now. I finished the first chapter, and I didn't read it through yet, but I finished it, and this gives me this beautiful sense of satisfaction and pride. I mailed it to Ezgi (my advisor) and Levent (my editor) and I've been waiting for replies from them all morning. Oh and not only did I write, I finished the Clockwork Angel. I went to bed around midnight, and I enjoyed every second of my evening. I don't like Clockwork Angel that much. I like the characters, but it's plot was slow and not much happened. But I must say, it really surprised me in the end. I didn't expect it. Yay! edit: Blogger doesn't seem to know the purpose of the ENTER button. Where are all my paragraphs??

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