
Tuesday, July 17, 2012


So 3 hours ago I walked out of the cinema, awestruck. It took me a few minutes to finally turn to my friends and say; "Well, that was awesome."
Yes, yes.
I watched Spiderman.
First of all, Andrew Garfield is fabulous.

Now, I think this movie was supposed to follow the comics more than the first first movie, but since I don't exactly know Spiderman's comic book story, I couldn't judge. But they had Gwen. I like her more than Mary Jane.
Basically, it was another superhero movie, but what makes it stand out is that it's about SPIDERMAN, and that although it's about impossible things, the movie is extremely realistic.
I won't spoil much, but for example when Uncle Ben died Peter actually went into some sort of depression and they showed that very well, and in the end it wasn't a fairy tale end where they all live happily ever after, it was a fairly realistic end where an important character died and well the rest is a little spoiler-y so I wont say, but yeah.
Also, he actually got hurt. It wasn't like he was beating everybody up without effort, he was always getting hurt and coming home with cuts and bruises.
The effects and action scenes were awesome. and it was a very emotional movie at the same time. I cried twice, and almost cried for another two times.
Watch it, everyone, watch it.


I'm writing my third chapter. I had to rewrite it which sort of slowed me down but it was only half a page,  so it's okay I suppose. This chapter if from the perspective of a different character, so it feels different to write. I have to move out of Kael's body, and slip into Adrian's. It's fun though, because Adrian is just...very different from Kael and I think a rather interesting character as you find out more about him, and because of this I'll be introducing new settings and new characters and new concepts.
I also realized how terrible I was at drawing a few months ago. Which worries me, because if I was proud then, what will I be later? I guess improvement is not something to be scared of, though.
Oh, and my Harry Potter obsession is trying to crawl out again, so if I suddenly start blogging nonstop about that, be prepared.

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