I can't bite anything, I have to cut everything into small pieces and squish them inside my mouth until they're small enough to swallow without hurting myself. And the worst part is that other people around me eat as much as they want while I'm just sitting there having some kind of war with the food. Ugh. In moments like this, you realize the true value of food.
Mr Dale! I really want to read that comment you were writing on my entry. :) You don't have to take 25 minutes again, but I'm really curious about what you were going to say.
OH and I got a NaNoWriMo account. I'll do the challenge in summer, or maybe December. Summer is better though, because I'll have more time and I can plan the entire story until then.
I was going to say something else, but I forgot. Oh well :)
AH YES! I remembered! I noticed that I got loads of red dots on my little world map! Which means I have viewers all of the place!
Some in America, some near Australia, someone in the UK (Sumer, I know it's you! :D ) and others around Asia! It's so much fun looking at the map and trying to locate where everybody is!
This entry is for drawings and pictures. I don't know why, I just felt like posting images.
My friend Ezgi said I looked like a completely different person with the braces, and I though 'New looks need new profile pictures!' and I drew this. I like wings! And I'm not good at drawing braces. The only things in that drawing that I don't own are the wings and the boots. The boots are of Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist, but instead of the red soles, I put blue, because I don't like red and I love blue.

This is Zatanna from DC. She's my favorite female superhero :) I had a reference for this, it was a cover page of a comic. I don't own the comic, but the picture was on the Facebook page for DC and I liked it so I decided to draw it (by the way, I drew this when we were supposed to be working on our math project at totodilekid97's house :) this is the sketch I hid from him)
I might colour it later, it's not finished.

A tower I made of the books I'm going to read:
