Mr Dale told us to write travel blogs/journals/that stuff.
I haven't gone anywhere, but I can still talk adventures in the car!!
I went to my grandmothers house with a taxi. All the grown ups were worried and they were all calling me and asking me if I had a nice ride (uncoded: DID THE DRIVER DO ANYTHING TO DO??). It was a boring ride, and CALM everybody. Nobody did anything to me. The driver didn't even talk at all. *sigh*
We went to Kızılay with my dad. It took forever. The traffic wasn't moving. I had my new sketchbook with me, so I was sketching stuff and then writing down the story ideas that came to my mind. The place we went to was closed, so we had to wait for a while. After we were done I went back home. Then we went to ODTU to talk to a professor with my friend for science fair. It was very fun! I learned some new info about frequency and radiation. Two hours later we went to the dentist with my dad, and after that I was ranting for an hour. In a month at most, expect to see braces on my teeth.
I watched Anadolu Kartalları. I thought it was amazing :) It really interested me, because once I wanted to be a military pilot AND I'm including pilots in my story. I could go on about the movie, but basically I think you must see it.
I went horse riding again! It cheered me up and pulled me out of my depressive mood. When I first started the sport, we rode these ponies called Haflingers. I thought they were called half-fingers...Anyway, they're short and fat and adorable. My favorite was a female one named Gonca. She was like me in horse form. And my friend Eda said she didn't like Gonca because she was annoying (see?). Gonca had a boyfriend called Alp and he was the most mischievous horse there. Eda didn't like him either. Eda liked the black ponies who didn't have any personality (if she sees this she'll get mad at me!). They were rather peaceful and well trained, while the Haflingers were like naughty kids! Now I ride horses in Atlıspor and I don't see any Haflingers around. :(
After that, I came home and drew. We started watching movies with my parents, but I got bored and now I'm here typing this, and finishing a drawing at the same time.
Heh, this was a long entry.
Inheritance is coming out in 3 days!!! *does chicken dance*
My next post will probably be about our class.

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