This entry I will talk about English class and something else.
So first the something else.
Yesterday, I went to the German Embassy with my cousin, aunt and grandma. There was this event they called the 'Lantern Festival'. Apparently they celebrate this every year, and kindergardeners and 1-4th graders go there with their handmade lanterns and sing songs. I couldn't go last year because of school.
So now, what is the Lantern Festival about? The 11th of November is called St. Martin's Day. St. Martin was a Roman soldier. One night, he cut his cloak in half and have it to a beggar, so they both wouldn't freeze in the cold. I don't know the whole story (because everybody was talking in German and I don't know enough German to understand).
First, everybody gathered in a big grassy area. The kids sang songs (out of tune) and then they acted out a scene. Afterwards, we walked towards a wide manege. The kids went first, with the glowing lanterns swinging in their hands.
A man in a cloak and a black beautiful horse was trotting around, waving at people.
When we arrived there, my aunt entered the line for food. My cousin dragged me to the center of the manege, where an enormous fire was being lit.
Wood was piled up to form something that looked like a tent. Around the wood were fences. Three men with lighters circled the wood and, started the fire.
Yes, the title of this entry. Flames.
I think fire is beautiful. It's warm, bright.
This particular fire was astounding. The wind blew it towards one direction, and all the ashes rained down on us (my cousin and his friends acted like the ashes were some kind of deadly thing and ran around screaming). The ashes glowed orange.
The flames reminded me of blonde hair with orange highlights. They danced, they swayed, they moved to and fro.
The dark night was cold. Very cold. Luckily, I was wearing my boots, coat, and hat. But these did not stop the cold completely. My upper legs, by face, my hands, were freezing. I stood near the fire. It warmed me up almost instantly.
First, I forgot the stinging feeling on my legs and fingers. Then, I felt like my face was burning. Like I had a REALLY bad fever. I got worried for a second, but I got used to the heat. It was calming. It made me want to crawl into my bed and sleep.
Enough description, here are some photos:
PS: I changed my mind, I'll talk about English class tomorrow!
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