I've always been over-relaxed when I have exams (and I made some mistakes because of that too) but now I'm stressed because I don't know what to do, I don't know if I'll be able to keep all that information in my mind.
To study for English I think I'll write something and read Fahrenheit 451, the Hobbit, and Brave New World. My English is on the level that it is now because I read and wrote.
On the bright side, I went to the dentist who changed the wire on my braces. Usually it aches and I can't eat, but nothing happened. Yessssssssssssss!
Next Friday after the last exam, I think I want to go somewhere with my friends and do fun things like running around awkwardly and making people stare at us. Because that's always fun. And then we can play pool. Or laser tag. Yes, laser tag. I love that game because I go up to the second floor and act like a sniper, and when I shoot people they look around trying to locate me but I duck and hide and laugh evilly.
By the way, if I blog next week it will be to complain/brag about exams.
Good luck to everybody.
This is a short entry...Lets fill it up with images!!
Haha this one makes me laugh! I drew it after reading "Teen Titans: Year One". These are the original 4 Teen Titans: Wonder Girl, Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash. In TT:YO Aqualad was always screaming when he saw animals, and that's why there's a squirrel on his head.

Wow I have nothing else to post,
Has 2012 been a good year for anyone so far?
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