It was a fun night. I hope it will be a fun year.
I decided to make a list of my "lasts of 2011" and "firsts of 2012"
So Lasts of 2011 first:
Last action: shouting "One!" (in Turkish of course)
Last place: aunts house
Last food eaten: ekmek kadayıfı...yumm...
Last drink: tea
Last thing written: hmm I think it was a message to a friend, I'm not sure
Last drawing: Guy Gardner (will post here)
Last book read: "Inheritance", and "the Two Towers"
Last video game played: Guitar Hero (yeaaaahhhh!)
Last song I listened to: I don't know the name :/
Last movie watched: can I count the Bonus DVD of "The Return of the King"?
Last thing heard: my cousin shouting
Time for Firsts of 2012:
First action: random cheering
First place: aunts house
First food eaten: crêpes
First drink: tea
First thing written: another message to a friend
First drawing: Guy Gardner!
First book read: "the Hobbit" (loving it)
First video game played: Sims
First song I listened to: a bad remix of "Daddy Cool"
First movie watched: Megamind (a very cute but emotional animation :) )
First thing heard: cheering
I thought that was fun. You don't? Oh well.
I heard a song on the radio and I've been playing it over and over again for the entire day. It's 'Wolf and I' by Oh Land.
I cleaned up most of my room, and the coolest thing I found was this book about the art of the Star Wars: Clone Wars movie and cartoon! It's just so awesome. On some pages someone wrote "Plo Kool!" and there's a Jedi named Plo Koon...Ha ha ha...Am I the only one who finds that amusing?
So I'm reading "the Hobbit". It is just amazing so far. It's entertaining, and funny, and just imagining Bilbo's expressions makes it superb. I should go draw some hobbits now...
Well, here's some art from me:
This is Guy Gardner, he is an arrogant, immature, narcissistic Green Lantern who is actually very caring and seems to never give up. It's not just out of my mind, I drew this looking at a page in the first issue of 'Green Lantern Corps', a title I will definitely follow. I did the lines and inking on 2011, and the colours at, like, the 3rd hour of 2012. Is the colouring is bad then that is why. Also keep in mind I'm NOT a comic book artist and there will of course be mistakes, but generally I am very proud of this.

And then a little digital sketch of Sam and Frodo (I have no idea why, but it LOOKS LIKE THE ACTORS! This was unintentional and probably happened because I had been watching LOTR with Eda.):

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