
Thursday, September 29, 2011

"I'm not usually an eavesdropper, but I dare you to try not listening if you hear your best friend talking about you to an adult."

--Percy Jackson, the Lightning Thief

No Boundaries
For instance, the child skipping—
is not touching the earth at all, is not obeying
the laws of locomotion in any part of the body;
the hair flips in a tidal wave; the eyeballs bounce;
lips quiver; the skirt darts butterfly-like above the knees
—and part of it is the blue sky, always, open
like a palm. The child, skipping,
holds hands a moment with her own happiness.

Liz Rozenburg

AHHHH They were playing a slow song on the radio and then this wonderful poem reminded me of 7th grade and I got all emotional and and and—
Aaaaaaanyways, I loved that poem from the moment I read it's title. Sometimes I act really childish and I like skipping, so I can relate to the poem in a way. Hee.

This one is for my friend totodilekid97 (THAT USERNAME! UGH!). We wrote this together and back then I thought it was the most epic thing ever. It was a prophecy for the story we were writing. It was all inspired by Greek Mythology and the PJatO series by Rick Riordan.

Two couples shall go to the nest
To bring back the lost as their quest
For this quest shall shatter the heart
The new two the worlds meet will play the big part
The victory they adore
Is the start of a great war.

My Hamster Has a Skateboard

My hamster has a skateboard.
When he rides it, though, he falls.
He takes off like a maniac
and crashes into walls.

He screams, "Geronimo!"
and then goes crashing down the stairs.
He's good at knocking tables down
and slamming into chairs.

He'll slalom through the living room
and then you'll hear a, "Splat!"
which means that he's collided with
my mother or the cat.

He plows right into cabinets,
and smashes into doors,
I think he's wrecked on every bed
and every chest of drawers.

It's fun to watch him ride
because you're sure to hear a smash.
He doesn't skate so well but, boy,
he sure knows how to crash.
--Kenn Nesbitt

I memorized that poem and read it to my friends because it was just adorable.

I'm sorry I've been posting so much today >.< I won't post for a while.

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