
Monday, November 19, 2012

Done 2 (not really actually)

Last year I made a similar post like this when I talked about my opinion on the Son of Neptune.
Lately I've been reading the Mark of Athena which is the third and latest book of the series. I waited a year for it to come out, then one month for the book to arrive while all my friends read it and shoved the book to my face.
Then one day I got it. I got the book.
I felt its velvety cover and appreciated its holiness, but I didn't read it. I didn't have the time!
The maximum amount of days I take reading a book I have been waiting for is 4. 4.
I have been reading this book for a month.
I blame the copious amount of unnecessary homework and piled up exams, and the general frustration literally every page of the book brought me as I died in annoyance and boredom.
I'm still not done, but I have about 2 chapters left.
Now to start off, I was extremely excited about this book when I ordered it. When I actually got it? Not so much. Sure I read a few chapters in the first day, but then something happened and I forgot about it.
I read the second half of the book in 2 days though.
What does this mean? First half puts you to sleep, second half is a little too exciting.
I loved the Son of Neptune, but this book really disappointed me.
I mean, there were so many logic obliterations (that's what I like to call it) that instead of enjoying the miracles or the fact that they can cross the ocean in half a day without any jet lag whatsoever and jump up ready to go off on an adventure I was complaining to myself.
Two of the characters I despised. I know I should not be hating my half brother, but Jason son of Zeus/Jupiter (I support the Greek side honestly) is just made to be hated. He is overpowered, too perfect, and still can't do anything at all.  Rick Riordan made me dislike my favorite character too.
Also, since I did not like a lot of the characters, when I learned that one of my favorite characters from the old series was going to make an appearance, I was literally rolling on the floor, jumping up and down, squealing and yelling to my friend about it. I also drew about 10 drawings of him. Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, he is awesome.
But you know what? All this waiting has ended in some sort of disappointment too.
The only thing Nico did so far was crawl between giants' legs, get teleported by Bacchus, and then croak thanks and apologies.
And I am angry with Rick Riordan for seriously copying every idea we had about our fanfiction in 7th grade. Seriously, there are too many similarities to be called a coincidence. I think he's been reading our Skype conversations for inspiration.
I think the book progressed way too quickly and too slowly and it had too many things going on at once that I actually had to put it down and be like "I am not reading you until my brain can register what is happening around me."
And it's going to end. And I spoiled the ending for myself a long time ago. So I'm not very pleased with anything. Nope nope nope nope.

Or maybe I'm just growing up.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Well, I haven't been here for a while. I kept wanting to blog but being busy with something else and then later on forgetting.

And why am I blogging now? I could be talking about how my life has been, or the two exams I had today, or things I'm working on, the Scholastic writing contest which I want to enter, anything big really. But no, I'm here to talk about cats.

Ezgi and I go to Starbucks at least once every week to catch up on things and to relax from the torturous school stress. Last year on one of these days, we encountered a cat. It was a white, orange and brown spotted, fluffy creature with beautiful green eyes. It let us pet it after a long while of chasing it around a garage, and luckily I had some chicken in my bag as treats. I never saw that cat again, but before leaving we realized it was pregnant, and a few months later my parents encountered it and its babies and showed me a picture they took. I felt like a grandma after her daughter gave birth to her grandchildren. Yes.

This year, we encountered another cat. I never name them, but I always have the same reaction when I see one. "Kitty!!" This cat was even friendlier than the first. It ran to me when I called for it, and it rubbed against my legs. It climbed a tree and seemed to have trouble getting down (geez, smart, cat) and I even tried to lift it off but couldn't because of the ridiculous position it was in.
We saw the same cat a few weeks later. It ran to me again, and first sat on Ezgi's lap who didn't react nicely to it. So I lifted it off her and put it on my lap, where it got into all sorts of cute positions and purred.  Sadly kitty ran away when a car stopped close by.

And the reason I'm blogging today is the cat we met today. It had been raining, and we were standing in front of Ezgi's apartment while Ezgi complained about the cold. From the darkness I made out a fast moving shape, and called out "Kitty!!" I called for it (pisi pisi) and it approached us with caution. Poor thing was wet and cold, and probably hungry as it was looking for food in Ezgi's math notes. We petted it and rubbed it until it was dry and purring in delight. I had to lift it and carry it outside when it ran inside the apartment. It sat on my lap and we were basically cuddling. Then Ezgi said it was too cold and went inside, so I got up to walk home. The last comment she made was about the cat following me home. Funny thing is, it did.
First I didn't notice it, put it ran ahead of me and occasionally stopped to make sure it was going the right way. Then it ran up the stairs which I was not going to take, and realized it had gone the wrong way and ran back. We walked up the hill slowly. It stopped every time it heard a dog bark or a car pass. Finally we got to my house after walking side by side. Then I faced the terrible truth. I had to leave it outside. I couldn't take it home, because my mom is afraid of cats and we couldn't take care of it. I also had nothing to give it. We stopped in front of the glass door, and I turned to it with a sad expression, trying to tell it I couldn't let it in. I slid past the door, and I died inside with every step I took toward the elevator. It first tried to find a way inside, then just sat there, looking after me, as if it had come to the realization of what was happening.
I swear, I will carry chicken with me all the time. To give to the cats.
I feel so bad.

So the point is I think I'm becoming a cat whisperer. Ha ha.

Here are my kitty friends!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Star Signs

I'm really ill so I didn't go to school on Friday, and out of boredom decided to paint my nails.
I did the symbols of 9 characters from a comic I'm reading. There are an uncountable amount of characters in the comic, but 12 of these are 'trolls'. Each troll has a zodiac sign assigned to them, and 5 of my nails are those signs now. This got me thinking about horoscopes.
I've always been interested in this sort of thing, and I like reading about horoscopes and comparing them with personalities of their owners.
My favorite trolls from this comic are the ones associated with Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn. What's ironic is I am a Gemini, but I have many traits of a Cancer, and my rising horoscope (yükselen burç in Turkish, I don't know what it is in English) is Scorpio! I have no relation to Capricorn but oh well.
I was born on the last day of Gemini, or the first day of Cancer according to some people. I've always considered myself a Gemini and am always irritated at people who say I'm a Cancer—it's like they're telling me who I am!
Anyways, as I grew older to who I am now I've realized I have more Cancer traits than I'd like.
Basically I'm indecisive, on the move, talkative, and sort of a jack-of-all-trades (but master of some) like the Gemini, and moody like the Cancer.
From one source I read Gemini's get along with the star signs of air and fire, which is most of my best friends!
Gemini's element is air, and I've been called an airhead before. :)
I don't believe in horoscopes that much, but I just think it's interesting.
What's your horoscope?  :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Calming Down 101

A list for myself so I can look here when I'm upset. :)

1- Listen to Mika or music from Homestuck.
2- Draw happy things, like couples or a character who gives you hope.
3- Write. No matter what you write, it's good to put your feelings down on paper (or the computer screen). 
4- Draw the person you're mad at and torture the piece of paper. Believe me, it is satisfying. 
5- Rant to someone, get it out of your system.
6- Do not cry. Try sleeping instead.
7- Read funny comics like Rare Candy.
8- Do not read Batman. You will depress yourself more. Read something else, like manga. Manga is always more cheerful than Batman and Robin. 
9- Eat.
10- Do not break your clocks. That's not cool. You hurt your hand while doing so anyway. 
11- Don't do homework.
12- Read a happy book. Not the second half of the Two Towers, that's just depressing. Poor Frodo and Sam. Read the last few chapters with Merry and Pippin instead!
13- Don't listen to metal. Sure, it pumps you with emotion and whatever, but you do not need your anger boosted at this moment.
14- Hug something.
15- Water your aloe vera and tell it how messed up the world is.
16- If by now you have not calmed down you have some really serious anger management issues and should get some help. Seriously, girl. 

This is what I drew yesterday: 
If Adrian can stay happy with such a troublesome life, you can too. 

When I was going home from Starbucks today, I was late for my piano lesson, so after I dropped Ezgi off, I pretended I was Bonnie (my demigod character) being chased by a Chimera. It was really motivating. I sprinted up most of the hill to my house, and when my legs wouldn't hold I guessed Bonnie would jump behind a car and electrocute the monster. But yes, it was really fun.

And I didn't do my math homework. No regrets. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

How Original

Oh wow, look, guess what it is??

That's right!
Another blog entry where I only complain!! Isn't that wonderful??

This time it's not about my class or how quiet it is, or people.
This time, it's about the system.

You know what, I just deleted that paragraph I wrote because it was too offensive and I might get in trouble. So instead, have this:
I think I deserve more than the grade I got for my English assignment and the grading system confuses me and I have just sort of been lied to and seriously demotivated and doubting my abilities in doing stuff. I'm just really upset. *shrug*

On the brighter side, we had football practice today and it was super fun. I liked playing with our shoes off. Also, Nebila kicks hard. I didn't feel my leg for a whole minute. Ha ha.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Second Week of Sophomore Year

Looks like I won't be blogging too often.
I mean, the first day of school I got 79 questions of homework for Spanish, and I get math homework everyday sooooo....
I don't know why but I haven't written anything lately either.
Starting from tomorrow I'm going to force myself to write at least one page everyday. But the thing is, when I get home and finish my homework I'm too drained to concentrate on anything else!! I will try though.
Last weekend I went to Istanbul. I got to see my childhood best friend, Pelin, and my cousin. It was really fun!
My real purpose for being there was the Red Hot Chilli Peppers concert. Apparently they came with 20 giant trucks to set up the stage.
Well the gates opened at 4 but we went there at 6:30, and we still waited an hour for the first band to come out. It was Athena, and this Turkish rock band has been my favorite Turkish group ever since... I don't know, their first CD? I remember listening to their CD when I was really small. But I hadn't listened to any of their newer songs, so I had no idea what was happening, but it was still very cool.
We were in the category of the audience 2nd closest to the stage, and right in the front of it too.
After Athena we sat and waited for another hour and a half, when after a lot of cheering, finally the lights on the stage were turned off. The from the darkness, emerged the sound of drums. Then the guitar—Josh was wearing a t-shirt with the Turkish flag on it—and then Flea the epic bassist and finally Anthony.
And then they played songs for 2 hours and it was just awesome.
I love concerts of bands I like.

That's all for today! I'll blog when I can!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of Sophomore Year

Good God I was dying.
My class is so quiet.
I mean it's almost torturous.
I convinced myself to be more optimistic this year but I doubt that's going to work.
My day started badly. I was pissed off before I got to school. Then seeing friends and being random was fun and all but, when I listened to the new director's speech I was just sinking in my seat thinking how ironic it was.
Apparently school is a dream factory.
Well that part is true, my dream was made in school.
But what's ironic is my dream is to get AWAY from school and sit at home and not feel the stress and the pain that school and stupid people bring and just be peaceful and at peace with everything.
I've spent most of my time in Ankara (in the summer) meeting up with Ezgi, and we're in different classes, and it feels so terrible. Every time I want to comment on something, she's not there. She's nowhere. I only saw her at lunch and Spanish class today. It's horrible.
No offense to the people I love in my class, but they're not as excited about things as I am and I'm just there bursting with energy while they give me awkward stares and sit calmly.
It was the first day, but I've had enough with school already.
I want to lock myself in a closet with an endless notebook and pencils and some books. And never, ever come out.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

School Starts Next Week??

Well, poop.
I don't want to go to school.
School is a monster that eats up your happiness and free time.
The school system should be changed so that it's less tiresome and less stressful and we actually pick our classes earlier on so I can deal with things I actually care about instead of using up the time somewhere else.

I changed the "about lightningbolt-13" page so if you want to see the updated version feel free to look :)

I don't have much to say now, I'll blog a lot later.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I keep wanting to blog but then something happens and I forget. Today I didn't!
I'm at Bodrum again, swimming, doing nothing.
I'm writing. But slowly. I write a bit every day. I wanted to write a lot more. And paint. I wanted to paint.

All i've been doing is listening to music and lying at the beach.

I'm going to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers concert in September! I'm really excited but I hope some of my friends are going too!

I had a lot to talk about but I forgot. Pffff.

Well so I'm writing chapter 3 and at some points I feel like it's completely unnecessary. It's like the short stories I write about my characters... It's fun to do and I get to write from other characters views, and I tell more about the planet and how things work, and it's sort of a funny chapter with lots of dialogue. But I don't know if I should keep it or delete it. I guess I'll make a few people read at and have their opinion on it before I do anything.

I hope everyone is having a fun summer and not procrastinating like I am.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I'm back?

I'm sorry I haven't posted for so long, but my computer was overheating and I couldn't stay on it for long.
But we got it fixed! They replaced the fan, and I have the old one next to me right now. It's pretty interesting to look at. My computer's old. Good job buddy, keep up the good work!

I don't even remember what my last entry was about. But anyway, I spent a week at Bodrum with my aunt, little cousin and uncle. My uncle is constantly teasing me. I have arachnophobia and he pretended to throw a spider on me. Not cool.

Now I'm back home, and I'm happy and calm. I'm doing homework, and drawing a lot. A lot.
Since I have my computer back and healthy, I can write too! I have the entire 3rd and 4th chapters planned in my head and I even drew maps from Oran's perspective, so as if he drew them with his notes on them. And Kael wrote on them too, so it's fun to do it. I also designed the jets for the air force, and I love them so much. I'll scan all of these now and probably post them up.

I finished the Hobbit. Finally. Did I say this before?
Well anyways, I've been to the movies a lot since school ended and every time they show the trailer for the Hobbit, and every time I see it I freak out and squeal and wave my arms around. When we watch it we're going to dress up. I'm Smaug (of course), Eda will be Bilbo and two of my now-9th-grade friends will be Gandalf and Thorin. So we will be epic.

Right, so they drawings.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

Yes, we watched it yesterday. Before the movie I bought myself an awesome action figure.
The movie was amazing. Maybe a little too...impossible? But still amazing.
Nothing more to saaaaayyyyyyy!

All my friends left. But...
My cousin came to Bodrum! He's adorable and hilarious.
Now I'm watching the olympics! Congrats to N. Karagöz, she came 5th in weightlifting, and now we're watching volleyball!

OH OH OH ALSO! There's an albino kid at the beach! It's really cool seeing his white hair and pink skin, he's so awesome!

Bruce with Selina

Batman vs Bane!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Summer Post

My Gettheva, I haven't had any time to blog!
I've been in Bodrum for about a week now. I have my computer and internet, but no time! My childhood friends are here too so it's extremely fun and busy.
I had so much to say but now it's all gone. I don't remember anything.

Oh, we're watching Batman tomorrow! I'm super excited—I've been waiting for this for a while and every time I remember it I start freaking out inside—and I can't wait! We have to go in the city to get to a cinema, so we'll be at a big mall.
For the past two nights we've been cooking our own dinners home while are parents are outside, so that's pretty interesting I suppose.
I've been drawing? I can't write. I have no time and in the small amount of time I have I don't have concentration! It's really frustrating, but I can draw. I filled up about 15 pages in this week and Spain.
I got a new iPod and put my metal music in it.
I feel very fat because my friend is fit and tells me she's fat.

Uh. The sea is very cool. I like swimming but I'm getting lazier and lazier by the day. I used to swim a lot, but now ehhhhh not so much.

I don't want to go back to school. Nope. I just want to keep having a summer holiday.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Glimpses of 8th Grade

For the last few weeks I've been always reminded of Harry Potter and how I used to love it, and today we were talking with Ezgi about a fanfiction we wrote together in 8th grade.
It was about us, going to Hogwarts, with the next generation of Harry Potter characters. I read it all again an hour ago.
I missed writing that! I feel like both our writing has improved massively (maybe Ezgi's more than mine? But she was always better than me so that's no shock). Anyways, the story is about my character, Jennifer, a Ravenclaw, and Ezgi's character, Eve, a Gryffindor. They're best friends although they're in different houses, and they're both dating our favorite new gen male character at the time. Mine is Teddy Lupin (still is, mind you). He's the son of Remus and Tonks and he can change his appearance and all that jazz but we made him use that ability so he could have colourful hair. Aaaaaaannnyways and Eve was with James Potter III.
So not too much happens at the start of it, they've just come back from summer holiday and everyone misses everyone yadah yadah yadah, but my favorite part comes when they play Quidditch. It's Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor... Gryffindor hasn't lost a match in a century. Ravenclaw isn't too hopeful. But yet they go out again—"“ Captains, shake hands.” Madam Hooch ordered. As James Potter and Marcus shook hands, I looked at our rivals. Teddy, floating right beside James, winked at me, and Eve, my best friend gave me an evil grin. Madam Hooch opened the trunk, the two devils, bludgers, flew into the air. Then the rest was a blur."
He match goes on without much action... Gryffindor winning with a big score difference. When all hope is lost for Ravenclaw, their seeker Larry finds the snitch. But before he can catch it, the Gryffindor seeker Eve catches up with him. When her fingers are scraping the golden ball, something hits her arm...then her head, and she crashes to the ground and passes out. 
Two bludgers, both shot by Jenny. 
Then of course when Eve gets better she's angry at Jenny, and when Jenny is coming to apologize for almost killing her, Eve insults Jenny in the worst way a witch could possibly be insulted, and slams a door to her face. Then all this drama occurs and it's actually funny. 
I just love this too much. Toooooooo much. I wish we continued this. Even if we don't, I'll be drawing these scenes for a while now :-) 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Pre-Holiday Post

On Saturday I'm going to Bodrum, but I just want to stay at my house in my comfy bed until school starts and not move a muscle.
I gained a kilo in Spain because they fed us nothing except french fries, and I've gotten rather...paranoid about it? Sooooo this is a chance for me to work out a bit before school starts.
I'm also getting worried about summer homework. We have too much homework and I've done almost none until now. I don't want to. I seriously don't want to do any homework, but I tell myself I have to and I waste the day by sitting in front of my computer listening to music and finding everything but homework interesting. It's so hard. I can't do anything productive because I have to do homework, so I just end up doing nothing at all. I hate the homework this year too. I wish they either didn't give homework, or gave the homework as 'optional reading'. Because if it's optional reading with no extra scat like making 9 summaries of things I do not need to summarize.
You can freaking read those articles yourself, I don't have to tell you every stupid detail about it, thank you very much. I like reading science magazines on my free time—it's the only mag I read—and I don't want to do it for homework when I'm supposed to be RELAXING from that pain in the butt year.
I wouldn't do any of these if they weren't worth project grades. And that paragraph could have been filled with a lot more anger.

So a guy from camp named Jonny (who probably hates me now) made me listen to lots of metal, and he suggested this one band to me which I have fallen in love with. They're called "Of Mice and Men" and although they're a metal band their singer has an angelic voice and their lyrics are beautiful. Slightly ironic? But they're wonderful. But their music makes me edgy. So this might be why I'm freaking irritated right now. Oh and also the fact that my parents keep trying to talk to me when I have my headphones on so I have to pause the music just to hear them ask an unnecessary question is pissing me off too. Bleh.

I don't want to go back to school. The stress is the least of my worries, there are just people there whose faces I want burned in acid.

Angry kid I've become. I wasn't like this yesterday, I have no idea what happened, I'm sorry.

I felt like posting a little preview of my third chapter. The early patrol idea is Levent's, but the sunrise is mine:

    Like on every other planet, sunrises were beautiful on ______ too. The sun crawled out of its’ bed between the two mountains and smiled upon ________. Not many people saw this marvelous sight, as morning came early, but Adrian was one of the few who got up before the sun only to watch the sunrise. Being a pilot for the military, and at a time like this when the security of the castle was first priority, he had to go out on patrols at certain times of the day. The pilots had to fly outside the castle’s own radars’ range to check even further. Adrian thought it was ridiculous, but he enjoyed watching the sky change colours from the dark purple of the night to a bright red blanket around the white sun, and finally lilac. Some days he didn’t bother taking his jet, and slightly transformed into his animal—a small lizard with wide wings—so that his wings sprouted from his back and he could fly to a Northern city and spend the rest of the day there until his second shift, when he would come back. 
  The joy of flying came from many things—the speed, adrenalin, the excitement of making a vital choice in a matter of seconds, but nothing could compare to the chilly breeze on his hair, blowing his fringe back, whipping his feathers around, straining his back and his wings, it was the best thing in the world. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


So 3 hours ago I walked out of the cinema, awestruck. It took me a few minutes to finally turn to my friends and say; "Well, that was awesome."
Yes, yes.
I watched Spiderman.
First of all, Andrew Garfield is fabulous.

Now, I think this movie was supposed to follow the comics more than the first first movie, but since I don't exactly know Spiderman's comic book story, I couldn't judge. But they had Gwen. I like her more than Mary Jane.
Basically, it was another superhero movie, but what makes it stand out is that it's about SPIDERMAN, and that although it's about impossible things, the movie is extremely realistic.
I won't spoil much, but for example when Uncle Ben died Peter actually went into some sort of depression and they showed that very well, and in the end it wasn't a fairy tale end where they all live happily ever after, it was a fairly realistic end where an important character died and well the rest is a little spoiler-y so I wont say, but yeah.
Also, he actually got hurt. It wasn't like he was beating everybody up without effort, he was always getting hurt and coming home with cuts and bruises.
The effects and action scenes were awesome. and it was a very emotional movie at the same time. I cried twice, and almost cried for another two times.
Watch it, everyone, watch it.


I'm writing my third chapter. I had to rewrite it which sort of slowed me down but it was only half a page,  so it's okay I suppose. This chapter if from the perspective of a different character, so it feels different to write. I have to move out of Kael's body, and slip into Adrian's. It's fun though, because Adrian is just...very different from Kael and I think a rather interesting character as you find out more about him, and because of this I'll be introducing new settings and new characters and new concepts.
I also realized how terrible I was at drawing a few months ago. Which worries me, because if I was proud then, what will I be later? I guess improvement is not something to be scared of, though.
Oh, and my Harry Potter obsession is trying to crawl out again, so if I suddenly start blogging nonstop about that, be prepared.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Enfocamp Madrid

Hello! I came back from the summer camp yesterday after waiting for my luggage for an hour.
My room felt different, but my comfy bed welcomed me without any hesitation.
This entry is about the two weeks I spent in Madrid.
I couldn't blog earlier because I didn't have a computer or the time to blog.

I arrived at campus around 1 on Sunday. Someone from my class, Çağla was also going to this camp (coincidence) and we were even on the same plane, so I found her and we walked around and sat for the entire day until around 5-6 when we met a group of English speakers. I never really liked them from the beginning—they were 7 girls chasing this guy who looked like a copy of Justin Bieber. We spent the night and the next morning with them. Monday morning, we took a test to determine our level so we could be separated into classes. The test was extremely hard. Extreeeeemely hard. But I got sorted into A2, which is the medium level and it was the highest level any of our friends had.
After the test we were standing outside the building waiting for our results with the Bieber group, and I was utterly dying of boredom. While walking around, this guy smiled at me, and I saw him later on and noticed he was around a group of boys all speaking English. You see, most people at camp were just mumbling things to me in fast Spanish. As I stood being bored, I saw a girl with colourful hair talking about how she liked an artist named Birdy. I knew Birdy. Just when I was about to walk away from the Bieber group, Çağla strolled next to the girl. I followed. The girl was talking to a Turkish girl named Pamir, and we all met, and the topic changed to good looking guys at camp. Pamir showed them the guy who had smiled at me, and I told them he knew English. So we went next to him and talked to him. We said Pamir thought he was hot, and Pamir being the shy Turkish girl, ran away. Anyway, we met this guy: Jonny. We also met the people he was talking to: a group of Chinese boys. The only one you must care about, is Charles.
Our group of 5 had formed. We spent the rest of the day with Jonny, Maria, and Charles. The glares we received from the Bieber group as we laughed loudly as they sat bored made me feel successful.
We had classes from 9:30 to 13:00. I was rather alone in the class—I had no friends and no one sat to my left side. After telling our interests in Spanish though, a Brazilian guy named Arthur (who was sitting at my right) asked me which books I liked to read. He liked Dan Brown, and I was currently reading Deception Point, so it was a perfect timing.

The rest of this will be a quick summary of everything. After class we ate lunch and had activities. We went around Madrid, saw museums, spent 4 hours sitting in Park Retiro, sang a song next to the Gate of Alcala, did whatever we wanted on permission days, visited Toledo and Salamanca and won scavenger hunts, went to the pool, etc. At night we had different activities like parties, dance contests between boys and girls, violent games like the green ball game where 3 Seniors (15-18 yrs) were versus 30 Juniors trying to throw a huge plastic ball into the other teams goal (but since I'm so tiny I ended up being dragged across the floor and my iPod broke and etc. and I hated the game), and etc. I hated that we slept so late though.
One day we went shopping with the girls, one day we hung out at the mall, we just had loads of fun.

About my friends;
Maria is the Hawaian who's going to live in Madrid. She failed her math class and took art instead. She's very relaxed and fun.

Charles is the Chinese guy who entertained all of us with his funny stories, perverted jokes, and dances.

Jonny is the Irish kid who had a funny pink sun tan and turned me into a huge metal fan. He plays bass guitar, guitar, and drums.

Arthur is the Brazilian book fan. He also likes Harry Potter and Batman!

Michelle, Rachel, and Melanie are the Asian girls. Rachel is a little too competitive :)

Dasha is the Ukrainian girl. She was annoyed by how her English wasn't too good and she was left out of conversations because of it. She's extremely nice!

Grayson is the oldest in the group. He's American, and constantly complaining about how immature we were.

Mark is also American. He's hilarious.

Camilo is 1/3 American, 1/3 Italian, 1/3 Turkish. He spoke Turkish pretty well, he was funny too.

Waaaah that's pretty much it.

I'm sad I left all my friends, they were my family for 2 weeks. We did everything together.
If any of you manage to stalk me enough to find this blog and read it, a message to you:
I love you all and I'm very glad I met all of you. Although sometimes you totally ignored me and left me behind, I'm still very happy of everything we did together. I hope to see you lot again, tell me if you come to Turkey!!

I'll blog more this week, I'll write more too. I didn't have time to write at camp, but I drew loads.
~Chubby Pigeon Out

Saturday, June 30, 2012


I'm in Spain! Today was my only free day so I spent it walking around with my dad. We bought the first Harry potter book in Spanish.
It's weird how similar Madrid is to Barcelona or NY and maybe even London... Oh well it's a nice city with wild architecture.
Ive been up since 2 am and I'm really tired now. But at the airport I saw Ezgi returning from China!! It was cool.
Last time I went to spain (2 years ago, Barcelona) I tried to ask for ice cream but the women started talking to me in Spanish and I just awkwardly stared at her. Today we got ice cream, and I said everything correctly and understood everything the woman said to me, so I was proud. Also I got to ask where the books were. So much improvement! This might be sarcasm.
Anyway off to summer camp tomorrow,

FRIENDS mail me because I feel lonely and awkward and sad because no one mailed me.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Planning Ahead

I'm really irritated today. I think it's because I'm frustrated at something, and I'm listening to depressive songs and writing emotional scenes about my most tragic character and failing to draw anything.
Seriously though, I feel like I am this tragic character and I'm just snapping at people like he does and feeling absolutely horrible like he does.

Anyways, I don't think I'll blog again for a while, because there's not much to say. I'm going to Madrid this weekend and I'll stay there for 2 weeks for a summer camp. I don't know what I'm doing after that but I hope I come back home for at least a week. By the end of all this I'll probably post everything I've written or drawn.

Yeah, bye.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Some Nights

I really like this song!

Today is the 23rd of June! That means it's...Ezgi's birthday!
Happy birthday! You're such an amazing person! I keep saying happy birthday, and I hope my gifts were enough to flood you! I refused to celebrate your birthday or give you gifts on your party because it wasn't your actual birthday, but now it is! So I must overdo everything!

Today I went horse riding. I expected to do the usual stuff, but my teacher said "Atla Begüm, araziye gidiyoruz."
I looked at her like, wait, what? Arazi means land or terrain. In this case it meant 'area with paths and untamed weeds'. I did as she told me though. I got on Feliste, and together we went through the back sides of Atlıspor and into the road. I car passed by. I thought it was very amusing.
We went down a path into the 'wilderness'. Nature around me, Feliste below me, it was an amazing experience and it was definitely one of the most fun things I have done in horse riding.
Then Irmak arrived and I had to lead her and Feliste through the grass, and it was hot and I was in leather boots and extremely tired. But oh well, it was fun.

Now I'm going to add finishing touches to my 2nd chapter and mail it to me editor.
Hee hee.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Birthday Post


Today (actually, yesterday since it's past twelve) was my birthday!
I turned 15 (finally) and I'll be the same age as Ezgi for one day...and then she turns 16! :D

I had such an awesome day, I thought I had to talk about it.
I woke up at 6 with this horrible feeling in my guts which I later on realized was excitement.
I decided to open Ezgi D's gift around 7. And my Gettheva, (Gettheva is the goddess in my story so lately I've been using her name a lot) it was... it was so very special. It made me smile wide even with my gut pain and tiredness. To someone who doesn't know us and our friendship, this gift is simply a hat. But I teared up even at the sight of it. It's black cloth was familiar, I remembered every detail about it. There still was that huge rip I'd made on it, so I grabbed a needle and string and sewed it up. Then I wore it for the rest of the day. I'd say more about it, but I'll say all that to Ezgi, plus I have other things to talk about.
Just...  I can't believe she would give that to me. Thank you so very much. It's such a special gift.

Well I spent the rest of the day until 12:00 walking around the house, trying to find something to do.

Anyway after noon we went to some place with some friends, and although I thought I had planned this, they gave me a surprise party! And I was totally clueless about it! I got so happy too! I was just really shocked.

Well then we hung out there for a long time and I thought it was so awesome and possibly the best birthday party I've had in a while!  Thank you, to everyone!

I got such awesome gifts... from books, CDs, comics, to handmade lightning bolt ear rings, a holy statue of Jeffy the snail, to the One Ring. Now I consider myself Frodoette.

Ezgi made Jeffy the snail out of play dough for me... and all you need to know about Jeffy is that he is an awesome invisible snail and he is the reason to everything in this world!
And then she emailed me a short story (not so short :D) about some of my characters! I knew about the general plot of it, since we had talked about it for an art trade before. But everything else was a surprise to me. It was so well written with vivid descriptions, and it gave me so many emotions! I felt what he was feeling, I felt his anger, his despair, his envy, it was just so beautiful! You made me hate one of my characters! But that's a good thing too, he's a bad guy. I think I already showed to you how I felt about it, but I'll say it again: It was just so amazing and I love you!

Ahhhhh so much more to say but I'm so tired!
Basically, it was so much fun and everything was awesome, thanks everyone!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


I have this twisted feeling in my guts. I woke up at 6 because of it, and I still have it. It still bothers me. It's like...hunger...or just extreme nervousness. I don't know why I'm this excited though...
I get excited on special days like New Year or my birthday, and it is my birthday, but I've never had this feeling before. It stinks! It really bothers me. I hope it goes away.

Monday, June 18, 2012


Our school year finished! We have a long summer holiday now! :)
I can't explain how much I had begun to dislike school. I hated it, I was done with it a month before it ended. Maybe this is because I had a bad second semester, or just because they pushed us too much.
But I really had a bad semester. Not just academically, I had friendship issues, and I turned from this emotional girl to this seriously angry person who had to hold herself back so she didn't kill anyone. Seriously. I've become so angry. Instead of being upset, I get outraged. It's very hard to explain this anger too.
I've been suffering because of this one 'friend' for years now, and this year I had enough with it. So I won't deal with him anymore. And this person lit the fire inside of me, so thank you very much (!)

Anyway, no more ranting! It's time to be happy and run outside under rainbows with unicorns and dragons!
I'm going to be very productive this summer, and in two days I already have been! I drew 11 main characters of my story, I'm writing the second chapter (it's going slowly...but going!) and approaching the end of the game I got a week ago. Also, lots of music!

I'm going to learn to play the bass guitar from my dad, and I think I'll take lessons on the drums too. Ezgi and I are planning to make our own awesome band.
For some reason I think bass is much cooler than normal guitar.

In these last two weeks I got to spend a lot of time with Ezgi D. She's such an awesome person and such a special friend! I remembered how much fun we had in 7th grade and all that we've been through with her. A shout out to you, have fun in China! I'm missing you already, pork! Don't forget to send me a postcard, and I didn't open your gift yet! The temptation...

Oh yes! My birthday is this Thursday. I'm pretty excited, I don't know what for, but mostly because I think Ezgi T is going to make a gift for me (and my gods, the things she makes are awesome!)  and I'll get to open Ezgi D's present too!

I'll continue writing on this blog. I really enjoy doing this, and if you're not our teacher next year, Mr. Dale (I'll be very sad :( ) I can still talk to you through this blog, if you read it.

Yes, finally, thank you very much for this awesome year Mr. Dale! I always looked forward to English class, and I enjoyed it! It was like a fun cool-down time where we could relieve the stress of the day and yet learn so much! I wish to meet you at Starbucks again one day, and talk not about time management, but what we have done with the time we have managed with Ezgi. Thank you for all that you have taught us and being so awesome!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


We went to Eskişehir as a class today. It was a long and hot trip, and outside was cooler than inside the bus. We were dying in there. We were melting to death. Anyway, we visited a glass factory.

I knew about the general process and what the machines looked like, but I was still so amazed. It was awesome. So very awesome, especially for a pyromaniac like myself! The huge room was a mixture of gray and black metal, orange fire, and the first orange then clear glass.
It's very hard to describe. It was nothing like the factory I had imagined. The order of the machines and the mechanisms was absolutely impressive, and everything was so exciting. I wish I stayed there for longer.
I also with we could take pictures, or that we stayed there long enough under an air conditioner and the factory was not impossible to draw so I could keep something more concrete for memory, and not only the images in my mind.

My friend Levent suggested I write a battle scene in this setting, and that got me even more excited.

I'll probably do that, and I'll describe it (or try to) in that story.

Anyway, also if there's any writing on my blog that you like, please tell me!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Finals Week So Far

We're having our final exams here.
I think this week is very fun. You get to challenge yourself and do whatever you want for the rest of the time.
We have long lunches and we're allowed to go out of school.
Today for lunch, we went to Mehmet's büfe and stayed there for 2 hours. We played at the park and had a 'bending fight' with my friends. So basically we acted like children, and it was really fun. But while we were fighting I fell and kind of injured my palm, so now there's something stuck in there and it aches. Oh well, we had fun.
There's not much to say, exams are going fine, so I decided to upload drawings.
Oh by the way Mr. Dale, I wrote my Hatay trip writing but Ms. Ayça took it from me so I couldn't post it here! It was a wonderful poem about Künefe :( And a weird story too!

Anyway, the drawings.

This is Onime. I was talking to Ezgi about the colours of his hands, and we decided his right hand should be blue to fit the paw of his animal, and I suddenly had this desire to draw his hands. And the result of this desire is below! Onime is an albino, by the way.

This is a digital drawing of Isadora. It was very fun to do. Isadora is one of the main characters of my 'book', she's the fourth one introduced in the first chapter.

I quite like this sketch. Last year we had plans of making our own graphic novel with my friend, and after we told Müfit about the idea he got very excited (but then he quit on us, like he always does. Never make Müfit a part of a big idea, he just leaves you in the middle of it. Doesn't matter if this is a novel idea, or something more serious. )
Anyway the characters were based on us and our school friends. The main characters were Elain and Amber who were sister, and Bronte and Mark were brother and sister. Bronte used a bow and arrows and Mark a trident as weapons. Bronte could 'bend' air and fire, and Mark could bend water and earth. Here they're having a little fight. I really really liked this sketch but never got enough appreciation for it. Oh well.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Summer Farm - Norman MacCaig

I couldn't upload the file here, but it's on the class blog. 
The first time I recorded it I had lots of problems so I did it again, but I sound dead.
Here's the link. 

I wasted an hour of precious study time because apparently I was not organized enough and my mom told me to clean my room. 
Now I have to sleep late. 
And I'm starting to lose my enthusiastic happy spirit. Thanks mom. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Dimensions of Identity---> here

I checked my gradebook.
Here's my villanelle.

You Mean Obnoxious Person

Some people are hypocrites, don't listen,
and keep blabbering random trivial
STUFF. They are pushing my limits. Go die.

It feels like you prayed I would have a bad
day. Don't insult others if you're not perfect.
Some people are hypocrites, don't listen.

What makes them do this? I don't know. Do you
have no empathy? You're mumbling random
stuff. They are pushing my limits. Go die.

Wow, you're mean. Ran out of insults? It looks
like it. So learn more about your victims.
Some people are hypocrites, don't listen.

These people are everywhere. They're always
repeating themselves. Stop blabbering your
stuff. They are pushing my limits. Go die.

Don't try to hide your flaws. We all know you
have them. We all do. Try to be nicer.
Some people are hypocrites, don't listen,
STUFF! They are pushing my limits. Go die.

Monday, May 28, 2012


Post no. 101. I think that's a cool number.

Today, I got braces for my bottom teeth.
I think these are worse than the ones for my top teeth.
First the dentist put on the rings for the back 2 teeth, and the aching started then.
While putting on the rest of the brackets, she puts something in your mouth to keep it open and stuffs cotton in the back and sucks all your spit.
It's a long process, and I think it's like torture. Your tongue is trapped, stuff are in your mouth, the nurse who's holding the thing that sucks the spit gets tired and rests her hand on your chest and you can't tell her that it hurts. By a certain time, your mouth gets so dry you actually don't feel anything and your tongue sticks to the base of your mouth.
And the braces are just so annoying. The top ones felt funny in my mouth, these bottom ones actually bother me so much that I wish I had no teeth. I can't even close the gap between my teeth properly because my top teeth hit the bottom braces and I'm not supposed to break them.

Ugh. Soup for a few days.

Only good side of this is that I'll lose a few kilos and my teeth will be 'perfect' by the end of it.

Friday, May 25, 2012


  100th post! Counting the drafts I never posted. 

Ezgi forced encouraged me to post this here, though it was my idea at first. 
I usually write little short stories every two months, about an idea I get. This time I was slightly reflecting on myself and details of my characters. This 2 page story is about Adrian (who you meet in the first chapter of my book) and his best friend, Onime (who you meet in chapter 2). Adrian and Onime have such a beautiful friendship. I'm terribly jealous of it. 
Little bit about the characters:
Adrian is Oran's older brother. Their father, Flavian, died in a plane crash (he was a pilot) when Adrian was 16 and Oran was only 6. Adrian is usually very calm and happy. 
Onime, when Adrian first met him, was like his reflection in a mirror. It was like they were friends with themselves. But of course, they had their differences. Then Onime had an accident with his plane (pilot. that's how they became friends in the first place) and he changed a lot. He became angry and pessimistic, but next to Adrian he was still his old self. 
Anyway, this story is more poetic than any other story I have written, so...I like it. 
Enjoy, and listen to Coldplay's "Fix You" as you do. 


   This night was only a plain one for Onime. He was sitting home after a long day of boring Tower duty. The house was quiet. His father sat across him. Onime stared out the window, and his father stared at a wall, both very silent. Occasionally a slight noise was made when one of them shifted their weight. 
   They were always this quiet. Ever since mom had passed away, they didn’t talk much. There was nothing to say. 
    This was a plain night, with the stars sparkling as they did, the city lights competing with them. It was more colourful at night, the view. As darkness fell, lights lit up and the whiteness of the city left its’ place to the glow of the colours. 
    More quiet. 
   Onime stood up—rustle, rustle—and walked to the kitchen. His large ears could pick up the smallest of sounds. As he poured himself a drink, he heard rushed footsteps outside their door. 
   Then a knock. 
   More knocks. Fierce, hard, quick knocks.
  Onime hurried to the door. He opened it—click, shhhhk! Standing in front of him, was Adrian. Adrian visited him a lot, usually just to mess around, on plain nights. This night, though? This night, Adrian looked horrible. 
  Adrian’s eyes had dark marks around them (no sleep?). His nose was a bright orange (illness, cold, sadness?). His shoulders hunched, body shivering, Onime was going with sad and cold. The pouring rain would explain the coldness and the wet hair, but the rest?
“Adrian!” Onime said in shock, “Come in, I’ll get you a towel, come this way...”
Onime began walking to his room.
Adrian sniffed, “O-Onime...”
Onime looked back. Adrian had stepped inside, and seemed to be holding back tears. He ran back to his orange friend. Adrian let himself fall into Onime’s arms, who held him tightly. They stayed like that for a while, long enough for Adrian to burst into tears. Onime dragged him into his room. He sat Adrian on his bed and quickly pulled out a towel to wrap around him. Then he pulled him into a hug. 
  Adrian was cold. He felt like ice under the tips of Onime’s fingers. Adrian grasped the back of Onime’s neck, and sobbed with his face buried in his sweater. Onime knew he had to let it out first, so he only stroked his hair and his back. 
  If one knew Adrian enough, they wouldn’t be surprised to see him break down like this. He was always happy-go-lucky, cheerful, definitely not serious, and it seemed like nothing could upset him. But Onime knew the truth of it. Although Adrian always appeared happy, he had this hidden depression within him. It had settled in the depths of his heart, and Adrian knew well how to keep it there. But there were days when he just couldn’t contain it. Days like this, when he ran away from home and threw himself at Onime’s door. He didn’t want Oran and Kael to see him like this. He wanted them to look at him as an example, as a guy who never seemed to back down from anything, someone happy, someone strong, dependent, maybe like a father figure. A father Oran never really had. He couldn’t look weak. He wanted to keep things stable for them. A simple daily routine, no big changes, no absent fathers, no sudden deaths, and definitely no emotional break-downs. 
   Adrian wasn’t crying. Crying was only when tears rolled down your cheeks. You could cry from happiness, from even small reasons like not having enough sleep. 
  Adrian, was weeping. His body trembled. He sucked in air. Occasional gasp or hiccup—hhck, haahh...hick! Other than that, he was completely quiet. His face was tense and wet with tears. Onime gently dried his cheeks with the edge of the towel, but the tears kept coming. Adrian’s now drying hair slightly curled at the tips. 
 What affected Onime the most wasn’t the tears or the weeping. It was how Adrian grabbed the back of his sweater. Desperately, as if he was clinging to the edge of a cliff. His fingers dug into Onime’s back, which he ignored. What moved Onime more was the way Adrian’s entire body shook. With every sob, he shivered from head to toe. 
  Onime moved his fingers through Adrian’s messy hair. His head was heavy against his chest, but Onime didn’t budge. Adrian was sniffing again. He had calmed down a little. 
“Adrian,” Onime whispered softly, “what’s wrong?”
Adrian held onto the back of his sweater tighter. 
“Tell me.” Onime said. 
Adrian shifted so that his head was now resting on Onime’s shoulder. Onime could feel his breath on his neck. He turned his head slightly to look at Adrian’s face. His eyes were red—it really looked awkward with his lilac irises. His nose and cheeks were a dark red, bringing out his concealed freckles. 
“I—hick—I dunno...” he said. His voice cracked. Onime stroked his head. Adrian continued;
“I’m tired.”
“Go on.” 
“Oran is—sniff—he’s always so sad...I—hick—dunno how to make him happy anymore.”
A pause. 
“And Kael’s always so confused.” 
A hint of a smile. 
“I miss you in the hangar.”
He looked down. 
“There’s more to this, though?” Onime asked. 
Another pause. 
“I—hick—I miss dad,” Adrian’s eyes filled with tears again, “I miss him so much.” 
He started crying again. Onime simply held him like that, in silence. 
“S-sometimes I don’t want to live—sniff—anymore. I don’t want to. It’s too horrible.”
“Don’t say that.”
Onime realized Adrian wasn’t going to say more. “What would Oran do without you? Kael, your mom, what would they do? What would I do? ” 
“That thought is exactly why I’m still alive.” Adrian said shortly. 
The words hit Onime like a hard slap across the face. He tensed. Adrian was quiet again. No sobbing. Onime slowly dropped Adrian to his bed. He wiped the last of the tears from his face, and continued stroking his hair. 
“Don’t think bad thoughts. Shhh, sleep, it’s okay. You’ll be okay.” Onime murmured as Adrian’s eyes closed. 
Onime sat there until he was sure Adrian was asleep. Then he ruffled his hair, and went back next to his father. 
   Sure, a plain night. 

So Much for Time Management

Poems—a haiku, and an acrostic poem—both with the same title.

Oh you teachers, how
we suffer, oh. Stress will be
the death of us all.

People, hey people, see how I cry?
Reasons? No, no excuses either.
Oh, it's not our fault.
Cry, weep, it's no use, you gotta deal with it.
Radars they have, radars of stress.
And as it increases, more assignments they give.
Stress. Not only does it upset you, it makes you fat.
Then you become even more unhappy.
In this world, people, hey people! In this world there's
No justice.
And we suffer from it.
Two, three, not enough! More tests, more projects!
In this world,
Oh people,
No justice.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Lights Out

Haha hello!
The lights just went off when I was in the shower. Usually I'm scared of the dark-- that's my only fear, that and bugs-- but I was okay with it, for some reason. Anyway, good thing I know the bathroom by memory, or else that'd be bad.
It was an interesting experience though. Feeling blind, moving only by touch.

I think I might have anger management problems.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

"Speak hands, for me!"

-- Casca.

Hello! I'm typing from my iPod because my computer is getting old and hissing at me.

On Friday I went to Eda's house to do a biology project. We walked to Panora to buy supplies, and on the way back we quoted 'Julius Caesar'.
As we walked into the apartment building, Eda's dad was walking out, (I don't remember this part clearly but,) Eda quoted something to him, and he laughed and walked away. Then upstairs, Eda said "Oh pardon me thou bleeding piece of earth, that I am meek and gentle with these butchers! Thou are the ruins of the noblest man that has lived in the tide of times. " to her mother, and I continued "Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood!"
As Eda's mother served us dinner, Eda told her to beware the Ides of March. When she brought us ayran, Eda said "The Ides of March have come."
And I said "Ay, but not gone!"
Her mother ignored us. It was funny.

Anyway, I've been doing homework the entire weekend. So much homework!

I was developing more characters for my book and I decided to get into detail with the royal family. They have two princes. The older is named Allard Leon, an the younger is named Hart (which is somewhat a pun, because his animal is a stag). When school is finished I'm going to try and finish my book and make bios of all the characters.

Friday, May 11, 2012


"Most noble brother, you have done me wrong."

I hope you can see it through the link.
Looking at the amount of time it took me to do this, I think I might not animate the entire conversation... :/
I like Brutus' little reactions more than what I did with Cassius, but oh well.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Memory

Once, there was a thunderstorm going on outside. I had stopped doing my homework, and was staring at the dark sky, waiting for the flash of that lightning I so very much adore. Once, twice, they shot down the sky, splitting into veins. A one second event was enough the excite me. My face was stuck to the chilly window. Lightning struck once more, and I noticed a dark shape zoom by. I looked around to find it. Nowhere in sight! Then I saw it again, I saw more of them this time. It didn't take me long enough to realize they were...bats!
I'd only seen a bat one before (not counting the ones in zoos) and even then I couldn't make out it's shape. They flew quickly. These were like that too. They zipped around. After bending and looking from different angles, I caught a glimpse of the shape of one of their bodies. It was exactly like Batman's logo.
So that was pretty cool. Lightning, thunder, and bats.


A little tirade coming up? Not very angry...but sad?
Like every human being I have my flaws too. My flaws are one of the things that make me a person. For example, I'm too emotional—I feel emotions too quickly and too intensely, my emotions are like a very sensitive balance—I'm short, I also have a short temper (heh heh, SHORT. >: ( ), I get offended easily, I can be mean.
(But I have my good sides too. I think I have plenty of them. I'm not all flaws.)
And I think I can control my emotions rather nicely. I know how to push them down and suffer internally and not show most of them to the outside. True, I break down frequently, but no one is around when I do (except a friend on Skype) and I get through it all by myself. No one in this school has seen my true 'angry' face. You've seen me pissed off, annoyed, irritated, frustrated, but not angry. Angry is what I was yesterday, when I'm angry I truly lose control of everything.
And I'm so sorry about my height issues. I'm so sorry about my genes if it bothers everybody so much.
I try to look past people's flaws, because that's what I want them to do too. They say you should do what you want others to do to you. Of course when I try so hard to look past others' flaws, I expect them to do the same.
I once did shove people's flaws into their faces, but I stopped. I don't say anything now. So why shove it in my face? I know my flaws. Why tell me again? And why laugh at me because of something that makes me, me?
If I look past your flaws and I deal with everything you screw up, can't you try—TRY, not DO—to look past mine too?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

"Dr. Banner, your work is unparalleled. And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster. "

--Tony Stark

Well I watched it on Friday, but I only got the motivation to blog about it today.

Before I explain how overwhelmed I was, I'd like to point out that I've missed you Mr. Dale! I can't wait for our class on Tuesday, and I want to hear about the football teams Barcelona adventures.

Okay, so the Avengers came out here on Friday, and the entire week we were making little comments about the movie with Oğulcan, Emre, and Müfit. We watched the movie right after school. It started off with an awesome introduction to the plot of the movie, and then all the to-be-Avengers were introduced.
I'm not going to say anything else since there might be loads of people who haven't watched it yet, and everyone must watch it.

The movie was hilarious, exciting, and unpredictable. The audience burst into laughter at times, and it was not only the movie that was funny, it was their reactions too! At times I gasped and said stuff like "Ouch..."
The part I got most excited about was when Thor came into all of it. I was flapping my arms around like the way I do and squealing. I like Thor.

I've had a boring week. I drew a lot though. Maybe more than I should? But I did get all my homework done, so it's okay.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Back from Hatay and Antep

We were on a 4 day field trip with the entire class.
It was pretty fun, but very tiring too.
I don't really know what to talk about.
In Antakya (Hatay) we went to 3 churches, one camii, a mosaic museum (lots of mythology!) and Uzunçarşı (a long market leading to other markets and streets).
In Gaziantep we went to a museum, the Zeugma mosaic museum, a castle, and another market.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

"You are sweating like a human, brother. Next it will be tears."

--Hades to Zeus (Wrath of the Titans)

Am I blogging too much lately?

I finally got to watch the Wrath of the Titans. The day it came out, we were in the cinema to watch the Hunger Games, so I couldn't see it. I was in Istanbul the next week, and last week my cousin had a party at the time I was supposed to watch it. This week I had plans of going to the movies on Friday, but they stopped showing the movie. I had given up all hope until my mom said "They're showing it at Cepa at 20:50"
I watched it with my dad which was a little awkward and not that fun, because it was last minute arrangement and I didn't think any of my friends could come (although I did see a friend at Cepa but he said he couldn't watch the movie).

The movie? I was really excited about it. It was about Perseus, after all.
And I think it was a great success after the disaster of the Clash of the Titans. I remember leaving the cinema after watching the Clash of the Titans with some friends: I was ranting about how they had destroyed the myth. And I don't think the Wrath of the Titans was really following any myth at all, but it was great.
In the movie, the gods were losing power because no one prayed to them anymore, and all sorts of monsters were escaping Tartarus. Zeus appeared in Perseus' house and asked for his help, but Percy sent him away, saying he couldn't leave his son. Zeus later on met up with Poseidon and Ares in the Underworld, and soon they realized that Hades and Ares had turned against them and were planning to bring Kronos out of Tartarus by draining Zeus' power.
Short summary:
Poseidon died, Perseus went on a quest and found Agenor the son of Poseidon and Andromeda, they found Hephaestus and a mechanic owl (Athena in disguise?) who led them to a secret labyrinth which led to the heart of Tartarus, a stupid soldier prayed to Ares who came and killed half of them and Hephaestus, Perseus Agenor and Andy made it through the labyrinth and found Zeus, they freed him and ran away while Ares was trying to kill them all, Kronos was released, Perseus fought Ares (and he should have died at least 20 times in that battle, I mean, Ares made marble columns collapse by showing Perseus into them!) and killed him, he made a weapon to kill Kronos by putting together the Big Three's weapons, he flew on Pegasus and down Kronos' mouth, Kronos exploded, somehow Percy survived, Zeus died, Hades became mortal, yup.

There were some scenes that I still see in my mind. One of them was a scene in the beginning: the ground cracked and the camera when down the crack, backwards first, then turning right down. Since it was in 3D I actually closed my eyes because I thought rocks were falling on me... Nice effects.
I loved the awkward brotherly relationship between Hades and Zeus.
I liked their interpretation of the Chimera too!
And cyclopses. Definitely cyclopses.

But Perseus should have died. Seriously. Being a demigod doesn't make you invulnerable—except in the case of Achilles. And he had a lot of luck. I also think there were some scenes which could be improved.

Oh well, although all the gods died and it was not logical, I still liked the movie.

Blogger, why?

Why did you change?
Do my paragraphs work now? I hope they do.

Anyway, my friend Levent went through the entire first chapter and edited and changed it, and I changed my version slightly by looking at his. Now I think it's much better. Thank you so much, for going through all that for me.
At some parts, I was looking for a certain word and couldn't find it, but Levent just replaced my simple words with the exact word I was looking for.
Now I wonder how I can share it with people. If anybody wants to read it, I can mail it to them. Maybe I could have a blog just for the story? Now that I've written this much, I want to continue it. And I did end the chapter in a cliffhanger, so I want to continue even more. But not today, tomorrow?

I also need a name for their planet. That's a very hard choice.

Since most planets are named after gods and goddesses, I could name my after their goddess too, but that sounds weird in my ears. Hmm...
I also want to make a big family tree for the main-er characters. It will be huge, since it's a planet I'm writing about.
Ahh, currently this is all I care about. That's not a good thing. Well actually I have nothing else to do...


I'm rather upset Emre memorized Antony's speech before I did. I was reciting the lines to my mom and she was staring at me like I was an alien. Then I explained what the lines meant, and she acted like she cared, but she really didn't. Oh well, I guess.
I'm very excited about next week!
My Monday will be fun, my Tuesday will be hard, and then we're going off on the 9th grade trip. I'm staying with Eda and Irmak, so it'll be quiet and peaceful.
I'm also looking forward to reading Julius Caesar. It's very fun in class, and I understand more than I would on my own. I'm just really bothered by how some people always have their digital devices in front of them and appear to not care.
Last year when we were learning mythology, my hand was constantly raised and I was always interested in class while some others hated mythology.
People have different interests, but why bash something you don't like when other people like it? If we were all understanding, maybe the world wouldn't be so horrible.
What am I saying?

I want to ink something with the pen Ekin got me, and I think I want to do it in comic book style, so is there any superhero anyone wants me to draw?

Inspiration Motivation

Blogger changed. I hate the new look. Gmail changed too. I hate that too. I'm not a person who likes change. This new blogger is absolutely horrible. At least they should have given me the option of not switching. Anyway, Ezgi and I went to Starbucks yesterday. We had a 4 day holiday, we had to enjoy it. The still don't have Chai Tea Latte. Every time I go there, they never have it, so I have to get other drinks. That's not the point though. We walked, sat, and chatted for about 1 and a half hours. Before going back home, we made a deal. We were to write something—anything—and mail it to each other at the end of the day. If we didn't do this, we'd punish each other somehow. I got home very excited, and I sat in front of my computer. First, I sent Ezgi the first chapter of a story I had written earlier (it was about the son of two demigods, and I thought I did a good job with the 6 chapters I wrote...). Then I read those 6 chapters, and reading something I had written made me want to write more. So I opened my file titled "Kael's Story", read over it, and my hands flew. I lost track of time. I only stopped writing for things like toilet needs and dinner, but otherwise I was crouched over my computer. I had 1580 words when I started writing, I have 3264 now. I finished the first chapter, and I didn't read it through yet, but I finished it, and this gives me this beautiful sense of satisfaction and pride. I mailed it to Ezgi (my advisor) and Levent (my editor) and I've been waiting for replies from them all morning. Oh and not only did I write, I finished the Clockwork Angel. I went to bed around midnight, and I enjoyed every second of my evening. I don't like Clockwork Angel that much. I like the characters, but it's plot was slow and not much happened. But I must say, it really surprised me in the end. I didn't expect it. Yay! edit: Blogger doesn't seem to know the purpose of the ENTER button. Where are all my paragraphs??

Thursday, April 19, 2012


As most people know we went to Cermodern today as the 9th grade.
I don't have time to say much, but the trip was very fun and exciting. I'm a fan of Salvador Dali.
When we came back we wrote a poem inspired by our trip and Dante's Inferno.
Here's mine: (I didn't read it in class because I'm rather shy when it comes to sharing my work in front of the whole class)

Midway in our school's journey, I went astray
from the school schedule and woke to find myself
in Cermodern, oh yay! How shall I say

What Cermodern that was! How excited
I was! I expected to see Dali's flies,
soon and I realized and was enlightened

that we were in the depths of hell instead.
No flies flew as we journeyed up the pit
through purgatory to heaven's cloudy bed.


I like rhyming poetry.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Demon Pox

Demon pox is apparently an illness, and my favorite character from Clockwork Angel—Will the bipolar, rude, arrogant 17 year old—is obsessed with it. He mentions demon pox every time the conversation is about illnesses. I find it amusing.
Will is awesome. But weird too. I thought the author was accidentally mixing him with Jace (the male antagonist of the Mortal Instruments) but then the main character (Tessa) uttered my concern, so the author is doing it on purpose? Okay...

I was kind of pouring my heart out but decided not to post that here. I saved it on another file on my computer, though.

In Literature class we had to complete a story given as an exam. That day I was rather emotional, and the piece I wrote was a reflection of my emotions. I thought it was rather depressing. But it helped me. It helped me a lot. I faced myself and realized things. Now I know my flaws. And getting a 90% doesn't hurt either.
See the magic writing can do?

I didn't get my bottom braces—still. But the dentist did tighten the top ones, so its rather painful. Oh well, better than one week of soup.

I remember years back, when I was smaller, we went to some place in the coast of Turkey for holiday with my childhood friends and their families. The hotel rooms were in small houses built on ancient Roman architecture. Every building was named after an important Roman, and the only ones I remember now are Julius, Augustus, and of course, Brutus. That's my earliest memory of Brutus. My father told me about how he betrayed Caesar. And ever since then I've liked Brutus. He's just seemed cool to me.
In the play, Julius Caesar, I liked him still. I thought he was awesome. But after watching the movie I'm trying to hold on to my appreciation of the character...don't let it go, Begüm! No, look! Here comes Antony, don't let him pull Brutus down! Noo go away Antony, I've liked Brutus for years!
I don't know if it's the always worried look on the actors face or just the stupid choices he makes, but...I don't like him as much anymore.

I decided to memorize Antony's speech next to Caesar's corpse. I just like it too much.
I also love Brutus' 'let us be sacrificers, not butchers' speech too.
"Let us carve a dish fit for the gods, not hew a carcass fit for the hounds!"

One of my friends looks like Kael (main character of my book). I was extremely excited when I realized this and Señora Berna got mad at me.
At least I found a reference.

Yayyy I did absolutely no homework todayy!

Monday, April 16, 2012



I won't be on the computer much because I have loads of stuff to do and I need to study.
But here's a blog entry before I do anything else.

My cousin had a birthday party yesterday, and when buying his gift on Saturday I got to visit Arkadaş Kitapevi. I directly walked to my little corner of 'fantasy books' only to see that the order of the books had been changed. So I walked around until I found the new location of the shelves. They had books I always see there, but they had the Mortal Instruments series too. I started reading the series last year and read the latest book 1-2 days after it came out (I got it in New York) last Spring. The newest book is coming out soon and I'm pretty excited about it.
The series is about these warriors called Shadowhunters who hunt down demons. They're somehow related to angels, and they carry swords which shine when their names are shouted. The story takes place in NY and includes awesome werewolves, vampires, warlocks and faeries.
I like the concept and the idea. At first I hated the main character and loved this guy called Jace but as the books continued this opinion was flipped upside down.
Honestly, the books are frustrating, devastating, and make you think "This is just so awkward, why am I still reading it?"
Why did I read it? Because I wanted to know what was going to happen. Because I liked the concept.
Anyway to the point, there's this other series by the same author called the Infernal Devices. It takes place 2 centuries before the Mortal Instruments. I saw the first two books of this series in the bookshop, and I decided to buy the first one.
I've only read up to the 50th page so far because I'v awfully busy, but I like it so far. The only problem I have with the book is the fact that the main two characters (Tessa and William) remind me of the main characters of the Mortal Instruments (Clary and Jace). Oh well.
Müfit says the book is terrible.
I don't know if he's just being destructive or if the book actually is terrible...yet...

Another thing I want to talk about is this dream I had this weekend. I saw two, one was about me being this expert fisher but I want to explain the other one. This one was on a huge cruise boat, but everything was older. The first thing I thought of? Steampunk.
I saw a family: a tall father with dark hair, a teenage sister, and a little brother. The one who stuck to my mind was the brother. He was around 8 years old. He wore a white shirt and a jacket and boots, but most importantly, white gloves. The father and the sister lost the boy on the ship, and they found him in this cafe sitting with a creepy old lady. The lady pulled off the kids right glove, revealing his steampunk prosthetic hand. It was actually pretty cool. But then the lady started talking about the kid using his talent and stuff and the kid got frustrated and ran off. The sister followed him. She found herself on a sidewalk by a bridge (wait, what happened to the ship?). Then she had her little adventures. But the kid was so vivid. I can still see him staring at me with his childish anger.

Yay English class tomorrow! More Julius Caesar!
This deserves an emoticon. ^_^

I like Foster the People. Yup.

That's it for today.

Friday, April 13, 2012


I'm having such a terrible week.
I'm trying to stay happy.
My problems are a grain of sand compared to other peoples deserts.
That should cheer me up.
I have to force it.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

"House come to order!"

I was writing an entry about our trip to Istanbul but since Ezgi summarized our first day on her blog, and I don't want to explain every day, so I'll just talk about certain occasions.
My first time at our committee was quiet and exciting for me. I was in the Environment Committee (EC), made of about 75 delegates. We were supposed to be in a hall named the Bubble but since our opening dinner was going to be there, we were packed in a small hall. I was representing Germany. Next to me was a girl (Georgia) and a guy from Palestine (Ghana). Our chairs were named Paulina, Joy, and Gürcan. Paulina's eyes closed when she smiled and Joy reminded me of a stereotypical German girl but with ginger hair. Gürcan had a red nose. That's my first thoughts about them.
We did icebreakers, which are basically little games to break the ice between the delegates. We did one where we all wrote a question and put it in a box where everyone one by one picked one and answered it. I asked "If you were famous, what would you be famous for?" I think it's a more interesting question than "How many siblings do you have?"
The girl who answered it said "Swimming." See? If there are any swimmers in the house they might go chat with her about it and new friendships made!
I picked the question "Who let the dogs out?"
Our second icebreaker was a cliche: 2 truths 1 lie. The chair picked a delegate to tell the truths and lie and another delegate to guess which one was the lie.
My sentences were:
I love drawing.
I'm a tumblr addict.
I love pasta so much I spent 4 days in Italy eating it.

I'm sure everyone here knows which one is a lie, but the guy who was guessing said "The first one!"
This of course shocked me, and that day they all learnt something they would discover throughout the conference: the delegate of Germany likes drawing.

That's pretty much it about the first day. I mean, Ezgi's said it all.

Day 2? It was lobbying day. We wrote our resolutions. I think my situation was pretty hilarious. I picked a topic about nuclear energy, because Germany is against nuclear power. When the groups were gathering, there was already this huge circle of about 20 people supporting nuclear energy, and I was left out of it. So when I was frowning and just standing there awkwardly, a guy I'd seen before in MUNESCO said "Oh you're against nuclear energy too?"
So we formed our own group. We tried to make our resolution not against nuclear power, but limiting it.
I honestly thought it was a bad resolution from the start, but oh well. I met cool people like Dilara, Aymir, Nergis, etc. (Nicaragua, Ireland, and Bolivia respectively)
While Nicaragua and Ireland were running around looking for signatures, I was doodling a dragon in my notebook. A girl approached me and asked if I liked anime (Japanese cartoons). I said "Yes."—which is partially a lie—and we had a conversation about animes we liked. She said she liked drawing too, and she drew something for me in my notebook. Then she gave me her deviantART username, and we kind of became friends. She's such an awesome artist. I mean, AWESOME.

Anyway, we went to the hotel after that. Ezgi asked to use my computer to blog—and I would never let her even touch my computer if I didn't love her and trust her so much. I took a surprisingly quick shower and Ezgi didn't get much time to blog. I don't remember what else we did that night.

Third day was short. We started debating and the day ended around noon. So we changed into comfy clothes and...went to Büyükada! On the ship, we ate food, took photos, saw awkward stuff floating on the sea. I especially pointed out the jellyfish.
With Cem we fed the seagulls. It was such an amazing experience for me. I'm fascinated by birds, and seeing them fly by your hands and playing "Catch the Food" with them is just so much fun. Cem held out pieces of the simit or açma we had and one of the seagulls came so close to us we backed away. One of them actually hovered in the air until it got its piece. Then everybody else joined us and it was

We all bought flower tiaras at Büyükada (every one a different colour. mine was blue of course). Ezgi and Bade disappeared in the first few minutes, so we hopped on a horse carriage, made a deal with the driver, and took a short tour. Cem and Boray joined us soon on their rented bikes. We saw ravens, cats, horses, donkeys and cows. I was very tempted to jump off the carriage and ride one of the horses. I miss riding horses. I miss horses.
After we got off the carriage I went and petted the horses for a while before following my friends.
After finding Ezgi and Bade and buying ice cream, we went back.
We took the metro to Taksim and walked around for hours. It was interesting and amusing.

Fourth day? Debating, debating.
I didn't make any speeches but I kept asking questions which resulted in the speaker repeating his speech. Awkward.
I think it was today when we had the boat trip. The first half an hour was horrible for me. Everyone was jumping around, stepping on my feet or crashing to me. I was upstairs for the rest of the trip with my shoes off.
When we got back to the hotel we learned that Cem and Boray had ordered McDonald's for all of us. We sat on the top floor and ate our food. Nom nom nom.

Fifth day...We finished up debating. Our resolution failed (I knew it would, but I still had my hopes up). Eh, the rest was kind of boring. We had the closing ceremony. It was very emotional. The students giving speeches were crying and talking about the end of their MUN journey...Unfortunately we had to leave before it ended. Then long bus trip again.
This time they had movies on the bus, so I watched Spy Kids: Game Over. I loved the movie when I was small, but now I realize how bad the effects are and how awkward the movie is. Oh well.
Bade and I had a little adventure there too. The bus stopped for 30 minutes for a break. We went to the bathroom, and when we came back there were 2 busses parked there, and both of the same company. We kept going inside both busses trying to decide which one was ours. One of the busses was filled with people who seemed rather religious and on the other bus a woman covered in black was praying and it was a little scary since the bus was completely dark too. After a while we realized the bus with the praying woman was ours.

I got home around 2:30 and directly fell asleep. I woke up around 12:00 on Sunday. Then I visited JMUNESCO and it was pretty fun.

Meh meh meh I'm sleepy now.