
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Quick Post

I was writing a blog entry about my trip to Italy on Sunday, but I got distracted, and I also talked about it in class.
So I won't post anything about Italy yet. But it will come.

We're reading Julius Caesar in English class and today we came across the word 'Erebus'. Brutus said it, talking about how even Erebus couldn't conceal the aims of the conspirators. Mr. Dale said Erebus was the god of darkness, and I said "Isn't that Nox?"
I checked it out: according to Wikipedia Erebus is the sibling and husband of Nox/Nyx, and Erebus is the god of darkness, but Nox is the goddess of the night. She gives birth to a bunch of dark characters like Thanatos (death), Momus (blame), Moros (doom), the Fates, Nemesis, etc.
But she's also the mother of Hypnos (sleep) and a lot of other gods.
Some other sources confirm this too.
I think she's really cool.

On the other hand, the Wrath of the Titans is coming out soon (sometime in April?) and I'm very excited about it, because it's about my all time favorite Greek mythological character—not Zeus—PERSEUS! But I'm also worried too, because of how they completely ruined the myth in the Clash of the Titans. Oh well.

I want to see the Hunger Games! I was the second person to read the series in our class and last year when no one knew about it my friend Ezgi (D.) and I were walking around the science fair with character names written on our hands. And everybody says the movie was awesome.

I was going to say something else too...oh, yes.
I loved Avatar the Last Air Bender when I was smaller, and a new series named The Legend of Korra is starting! The first two episodes were leaked and I watched them, and I'm absolutely in love with a character named Mako.
I think I like dark, tall and handsome. And pyromaniacs. Yay.

Now off we go to the concert!

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